Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ten Tips for an Unmedicated Birth

  1. Refuse Pitosin until medically necessary. Pitsosin makes your contractions stronger, harder, and faster. Sure it will make your labor faster, but it might be a too painful to have a pain medication free birth. If you do end up needing the Pit, don't fret. Many women have gone to have medication free births.
  2. Get in the water. Whether it be the tub or the shower, get in the water. It will help you relax and the heat will feel so nice! When in the shower, it helps to have a buddy to lean on during contractions, so, Daddy, get your swim trunks on!
  3. Think about that baby. Remember all those adorable baby clothes that you received at your shower? Imagine baby wearing all those cute outfits. Or, envision bringing baby home to that nursery you spend days painting. Thinking about baby will remind you why this is all worth it and taking your mind of the pain is sure to help.
  4. Labor on the toilet. I know, it sounds gross right? The toilet is actually a pretty comfortable place to labor. Rock back and forth or sway side to side.
  5. Don't clench your fists. I learned this during a birth class and my mother learned this in her birth class. It helps. If you need a gentle reminder, have a partner or coach open your hands and gently tap your palms during contractions.
  6. Talk to your nurses. Tell your nurse "I will let you know when I want pain medication". That way, they will leave you alone, but you still have a chance to change your mind.
  7. Find a focal point. Bring in a picture, piece of newborn clothing, or just find something in the room. Stare it down during painful contractions.
  8. Remind yourself. You are a strong, powerful, brave, amazing woman and you can do this! Once you do, you will be able to do anything.
  9. Have your cervix checked before accepting any medication. I think almost every woman reaches a point in her labor where she thinks, "I really can't do this anymore". This is transition and it typically lasts less than an hour. Get checked! If you're at an eight, you are probably thinking "it took 18 hours to get to this far, I can't make it any longer!", but labor is like rolling down a hill. The longer you go, the faster you go.
  10. Educate yourself. This is the biggest thing that you can do for yourself and your baby. Be prepared! Take classes, watch videos, and talk to other mothers.
Have a happy and healthy labor!

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