Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cloth Diaper Accessories (Cloth Diapers Part 3)

You might be thinking to yourself, "alright, I've got the diapers. Now what?"

You need:

A Diaper Pail

A cheap, kitchen size, trash can from Target will work perfectly! Get one with a lid!

Sterilite White Push Top Garbage Can 11.4-gal..Opens in a new window

Diaper Pail Liners

You are going to need two of these. One for the pail and one to be washing. They come in colors, so have fun! Lined with PUL, these are completely water proof. Planet Wise makes great pail liners! 

Wet Bags

If you don't go out often, you can get away with one, but it is best to get two! These little PUL lined bags are were you put your dirty diapers on the go. They come in different sizes to hold different amounts of diapers. I recommend getting one large and one small. Planet Wise also makes these. 


The Snappi is a necessity if you plan on using flats or prefolds. These come in a variety of colors, but I suggest the darker shades. Neon green newborn poop stained our white snappi. These are stretchy, "T" shaped, and have little teeth on each end to hook to the diaper.

                                                                        6 Snappi colors

Diaper Sprayer

If you are breast feeding, good news! Breast fed baby poop is completely water soluble! That means you can put those poopy diapers right in the washer, but once your baby starts solids (or if they are formula fed) you are going to need to remove the poop first. A diaper sprayer attaches to your toilet and can be used to spray the poop off the diaper and into the toilet. BumGenius and Fuzzibunz both make diaper sprayers, but with help of a youtube video you could make your own! Not handy, but still don't want to pay $45? You can always do the old dunk and swish. Even better, if your shower is close to your toilet, use the shower nozzle to spray it into the toilet!


Diaper Liners

These little sheets can be used to line your diapers and are flushable. If your thinking what I'm thinking, then you are wondering why you switched to cloth if you have to buy something that is disposable. These are completely optional! They might be nice for those on the go, using daycare, or have a trust fund. If you plan on cloth diapering at birth, these would be helpful with those sticky meconium poops!

                                                                  Bummis Bio-Soft Liners

Cloth Wipes

Many brands sell cloth wipes, but I am going to give you a little money saving tip! Use all those receiving blankets that you got at your shower (really you don't need 15!) or buy a yard of flannel at the fabric store. Baby wash cloths also work great! Google how to make wipe solution and you're done!

Cloth Friendly Diaper Rash Cream

Tradition diaper rash creams work by making a water proof barrier on the baby's bottom to protect the skin for moisture. Unfortunately, the diaper cream will also make your cloth diapers water proof and will make them leak! There are plenty of cloth safe creams available, some are even sold at Target! Natural parents also find that Coconut oil helps a red bum!

                                                       Calming Diaper Rash Cream -California Baby

Now it is time to wash and store your diapers!

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