Here are some reasons to switch:
- No chemicals! Most crunchy parents agree that the number one reason that they chose cloth diapering is to get rid of those nasty chemicals that disposables are full of. No need to worry about chemical burns or recalls, cloth isn't going to hurt your baby.
- The savings! You can build your cloth diaper stash for as little at $200. That sounds like a lot up front, but you will be reaping the benefits for years. Say you buy a big box of diapers for $40 from your local wholesale club every month. That's a good deal! Well, you will save $760 by switching to cloth if you potty train at 24 months. Imagine the savings when you use the diapers for more than one child!
- They are so cute! Seriously. Huggies, your ugly Santa diapers are a joke. If you want your baby's tush to look stylish, cloth is where it is at!
- Good Bye Rash! Every child is different, but most parents notice that the number of diaper rashes are fewer and farther between with cloth diapers.
- You are saving the world. Go ahead, call yourself superwomen (or superman) because you are helping to make this earth a better place! The average diaper sits in the landfill for 550 years before it completely decomposes. Most babies are changed a minimum of 8 times a day, multiply that by how many days in two years and you have 5,824. Wow! That is a lot compared to the 25 or so cloth diapers you will use!
- They are easy! Really! They are! Many parents ask themselves, "How can I keep up with diaper laundry, when I can barely keep up with regular laundry?" I would rather do ten loads of diaper laundry then do one regular wash. Diaper laundry consists of pushing a lot of buttons and who doesn't like to push buttons
Have I convinced you?! Now it is time to learn a thing or two about cloth diapers!
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